Amazing Grace (Original Song)


Where would we be without Grace?

People often have the misconception that once you give your life to Christ – your world will somehow become “Perfect” and problem free…

But this simply isn’t the case.

The fact of the matter is this: As long as you are in the world, you will have troubles (John 16:33) – but the COOL thing about CHRIST is that he promises we will never face these troubles alone. (Matt 28:20)

So yes! Christians experience Pain, Sadness, Rejection, and Disappointment.

And yes, We know what it feels like to be Broken and Discouraged.

BUT – in spite of how bad any situation may seem, our confidence is in the Living GOD (who is able to do exceed our expectations)


Verse 1:

You see nobody told me that life would be this hard
and to reach my dreams I didn’t know I had to travel this far
So excuse me while I let this out
But I know someone out there knows what I’m talking bout


Where would I be today?
If not for his amazing grace.
My life would be thrown away
If not for his amazing grace

Verse 2:

When you rub against the grain, sometimes you get treated like trash
So I know how it feels to show love and have it not be shown back
Cause in this life –
You see I understand the ups and downs
I’ve been through the round’a’bouts, yes round and rounds
Broken promises, Broken dreams
Folks are in your song, but they all “off key”
People walked out and away from me
friends left me hanging in a time of need
but you had my back, had a place for me
Yes you walked with me faithfully
Thats why I say

/* Chorus */

Verse 3:

So as you can see, I’m just an average man
rolling with the punches of life – the best way I can
So I am no stranger to heartache and pain
some days it shines, some days it rains
But his mercy and his grace, they strengthen me day after day

Cause everyone’s around when times are good
smiles are plentiful when times are good
friends are in abundance when times are good
but in trouble they all gone-gone-gone
Yep they all gone but got the nerve to get mad at you when they do you wrong

A front they put on, yes they put on
All are gone but the faithful few
And GOD is the The one, the faithful few
Just stay close and let him carry you
Just hold to his word and he’ll see you through
And he’ll make you bullet-proof

/* Chorus */

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