Breathless (Original Music)

Check out my new song! “Breathless”

(Genesis 2:18) “And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.”

** On Itunes, Spotify, and Google Play!


Verse 1:

When I look into your eyes, I see that GOD loves me.
Cause he made a help-meet for me in the form of you
cause we go to church on Sunday, and to the movies on Monday
and everyday is like its the first


You leave me breathless
You leave me breathless, and I know that sounds crazy
But when its just you and me – there’s nowhere else I’d rather be
cause you leave me breathless
and thats foreal

Verse 2:

You and I can sit all day and talk about nothing
We’re just chilling just like we do
We can hop in the car for a ride
Just to get a milkshake and fries
Whatever you wanna do, is what we’ll do

/* Chorus */

Verse 3:

So its dark now, and we’re on our way home
they messed up your order, but you ain’t trippin
riding fast with the windows down
and your hair is curlin’ all around
But you ain’t bothered, because you into that shake
and all I’m thinking is

/* Chorus [2x] */

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